Breathing the wind of change!
By: Eli Atmé
UALM – Australia

It’s quite ironic that a government incarcerates its political opposition and degrades them and in the same sentence speaks of peace and the rule of law. The Lebanese people recently were waken to see how the government dealt with its citizens as only a body, while completely disregarding the sense, intellect, and moral beliefs of its people, for the sake of strategic alliance with a brutal (Syrian) occupation. A true government ruled by majority in this case allying itself with the (Syrian) occupation cannot be based on justice. Under international law a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is PRISON.

Since the ill-fated "Taif" accord and throughout modern Lebanese history certain laws passed by the majority (the Syrian occupation and its puppet government) have been considered unjust by a wise political opposition. However, with the logical and emotional appeal of hard fought battles, voices have been heard, and the minds of the majority have been awakened and in some cases it has been converted to see the truth. The Lebanese majority began to see the truth hidden behind the propaganda of the ‘Syrian’ majority and they became convinced that they could no longer accept this government’s behavior of passing laws that benefit the so called majority (Syrian puppets) while degrading the Lebanese mainstream nationalist.

My remarks will of course focus on the implications of our experience for Lebanon choices. This is appropriate, for the big lesson we learned that integration begins at home. But, as we all know, these tasks are often difficult, requiring considerable political effort and, some times, political and economic sacrifice. We expanded this effort because we were convinced that it would be good for Lebanon. But there is also no doubt that it was easier for us to do this, because we also knew- and could tell our publics that reinstating our country in the club of free nations is a realistic goal if we stayed the course. So there is also a responsibility for the Western nations here.  I believe it needs to provide a similar perspective for Lebanon.

Therefore, for the sake of security, stability and prosperity of a wider Middle Eastern region, time is ripe to move forward the debate to reinstate Lebanon towards achieving its (goal) freedom as well as for the free world to welcome the Lebanese people choices and support the people of Lebanon in their endeavor, provided the Lebanese people are willing as a united majority undertakes and continues necessary domestic reforms (first and foremost showing in deeds its commitment to freedom of press, freedom of expression and conduct a free and democratic elections).  

I do understand that at this moment most likely we are setting a difficult task to achieve our freedom by having in mind the domestic and external challenges faced by the presence of the Syrian occupation army and its security apparatus. Western government must stop making speeches about the importance for Lebanon security and development of democracy in the region, and begin to act by facilitating the change that neither the Syrian occupation nor the Lebanese puppet regime is willing to take any steps to diminish their hold on power.

The readiness of western government to assist can motivate the Lebanese society at large to better define the way where the country is going to and move ahead with vigorous reform packages (political, economic, educational…etc.)

Looking from a Lebanese perspective and answering the question of what was the secret of our success to achieve (Freedom, Sovereignty, Independence) during the passed 28 years of our struggle toward Democracy, I would argue that to a large extent our strategic success was in working together in the Diaspora united in our cause by bridging an information flow with western governments, particularly with the US congress toward recognizing the plight of our people post the war on terror and convincing them of the need for an independent Lebanon to facilitate a conducive political environment for a profound geopolitical change in the region.

The political parallel to a gradual outreach towards the geopolitical landscape in the region, specifically Syria and Israel, so as to create slowly and steadily an environment of cooperation within the region and the need to embrace to the following:

Consolidate efforts of political parties and society at large to pursue vigorous and consistent democratic and free market reforms.

To turn existent and/or perceived vulnerabilities into advantages and motivating force for the definition of clear goals and stick to them.

Insure that no one has reason to question our democratic credentials.

As we advance our cause for future relationship we need to make sure to implement a legal and administrative reform to free our public administration from corruption and crime.

As we pursue free market reforms, open our markets to innovation, "know how" and investment and gradually harmonize national laws it is the key for success of the country’s economy.   

Our best and most trusted ambassadors abroad are foreign direct investors (FDI). They do not only make risk, invest and gain/or loose profit. If successful, they create jobs, bring new technologies and promote new culture of doing business. 

Lay down the strategies and programs of government institutions aimed at fulfilling the following:

1. Be stable democracies, guaranteeing the rule of law, human rights and the protection of minorities;

2. Be functioning market economies with the capacity to cope with competitive market forces within the region or internationally;

These criteria can serve as a political roadmap towards the practical preparations of free Lebanon.

In pursuit of our goal we need to rally widest political support possible at home, Political parties, interest groups, shareholders, trade unions and mass media should be engaged in transparent and continuous discussion of "pros" and "cons" in which, will create new realities and new economic and political culture in the country. 

The Action Plan should provide immediate guidelines for gradual economic re-structuring and deepening of political cooperation. Implementation of the Action Plan will significantly advance the approximation of Lebanon legislation. The pace of progress will acknowledge fully Lebanon’s efforts and concrete achievements in meeting commitments to common values. 

Our practical contribution to the stability and security in the region would be greatly appreciated. It is part of building a resume to increase our "strategic stock". Hence, it is all the more important to maintain attention and enlarge the circle of friends to support our own cause of transformation and integration in the context of international shift towards the advancement of democracy in Lebanon and in the Middle East.

- We should build on the pursue of defense and security reforms in such a way as to increase our military and security independence from the Syrian hegemony as presently been propositioned by the occupation and its puppets, this will help us to get support for the Democratization of our country provided the political expectations on the forthcoming elections are fulfilled.     

- However, we need to remember that there will always be a part of population in society in transition, who failed or were unable to breathe the wind of change and feel the deserved benefit. We need to pay due attention to them and design policies accordingly to those who expect and need support from the society and government. If we don’t pay due attention, it may turn against us not only as a social and economic headache but also as a very serious political problem. 

The year of 2005 is a historical year: finalization of freedom for Lebanon. It may also become a year of promise of change in the region from Dictatorship toward free and democratic countries. However, the start is always the hardest one. And it will be the Lebanese themselves who will define the conditions for their historical drive toward freedom.

Free Lebanon…Lebanon is Freedom