Arab Decadence
By: Charles Jalkh/ A Lebanese Freedom Fighter

The Arab world is today in the darkest moment of its history ever. Not one country, from Morocco ‎to Egypt, from Lebanon to the Gulf, has a democratic regime. Some, like Morocco and Jordan, ‎are having a good, yet timid start towards it, but have yet to reach the human rights standard.

Despite the great tradition of Shoura, Democracy has long become an alien and extinct concept ‎in the Arab world. The Arabs have not yet awakened from the deep sleep they entered since the ‎fall of the Abbasside Khalifades. Today, at the doorstep of the ‎‏21‏st century, ‎‏250‏‎ millions Arabs ‎are still governed by middle ages-like regimes, frozen in history and refuse to evolve. The psyche ‎of the Arab nation has long lost enthusiasm since the eclipse of Egypt's Nasser. Most of today's ‎Arab leaders engage in massive abuse of their citizens human rights. From the Pacific to the ‎Gulf, everywhere, bloody Dictators, Sheiks, Warlords, Lunetics, and often outright murderers rule ‎the land and the souls. Arab rulers do not answer to their people or their own laws. Endless ‎stories of corruption, theft of public funds, abuse of power, sexual deviance, and drug and alcohol ‎abuses abound.

The Arab leaders' word is not honorable neither. They have long engaged in acts of sabotage ‎against each others. Certainly Syria dictator; Hafez Assad, is the most successful, being the most ‎treacherous and deadly. Assad is an expert in fomenting civil unrest. He is famous in nurturing ‎terrorist groups, engaging in drug trade, masterminding hijacks, assassinations, torture, sellout of ‎causes, and outright warfare and bombardment of civilian populations. His continuing war of ‎aggression against Lebanon has lasted ‎‏22‏‎ years longer than Iraq's aggression against Kuwait.

Democracy presumes that power flows from the people towards a balanced system of ‎government, geared towards upholding the citizen's rights in an equalitarian and humane society. ‎Can you find one single Arab nation today that meets these simple criteria? Observe the ‎abandonment of Lebanon by its Arab neighbors who call themselves "Brothers". With brothers ‎like those, who needs enemies. Arab nations today recognize the Syrian occupation of Lebanon ‎and the puppet regime installed in Beirut. Except for the courageous stands of King Hussein of ‎Jordan, and King Hassan of Morocco, none of the Arab leaders have recognized the great evil ‎Syria is committing in Lebanon. But how can we expect them to do so, when they show so little ‎respect for their own people's human rights.

Since ‎‏1948‏‎, the Arabs have committed far more atrocities against their Palestinian brothers. In ‎‏1970‏‎, Black September, ‎‏20,000‏‎ Palestinians were slained. In Egypt and other nations, the ‎Palestinians are watched and restricted. After the Kuwait war, hundreds of thousands were ‎deported. In Syria they are under torture and have no civil rights. In Lebanon, they were ‎massacred in the Shatila and Sabra refugee camps by Elie Hobeika, a sitting cabinet member in ‎the Hariri occupation regime. Saddam Hussein's barbaric invasion of Kuwait, his massacre of half ‎a million Shiite in the south and the marshlands, his gassing of the Kurds in the north, his ‎unprovoked attack against Iran and the subsequent slaughter of one million human souls, his ‎destruction of the environment in the Gulf and the marshlands, all these tragedies are a shameful ‎chapter in Arab history. Assad's annihilation of Lebanon and his outright bombardment of ‎Lebanese civilian district for years, is another.

Dozens of thousands of Arabs have died, and continue to die, at the hands of their Arab brothers. ‎When the Syrian city of Hamah revolted against the Assad dictatorship, the Syrian special forces ‎obliterated it to the ground with massive artillery, tank, and air barrage, killing ‎‏10,000‏‎ people. The ‎Syrian massacres in Lebanon of thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians are also well ‎documented. Israel use of rubber bullets seems far more civil in comparison. The Arabs remain in ‎self-denial, and continue to blame Israel and colonialism for their misery, but it is hard to ignore ‎their own doings. They should only blame themselves. At least Israel does not torture its own ‎citizens. How can they expect their enemies to make peace with them when they engage in wars ‎of annihilation against those whom they call "Brothers".

Long Live Lebanon, with its entire people, regardless of religion, skin color, facial features, ‎gender, age, cultural background, and ethnic origins.‎