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Articles written by: Elie Atme
Contact Elie for your comments on E-mail

redbul.gif (925 bytes)Truce or Dare.By: Elie Atme 29/08/06
redbul.gif (925 bytes)When this nightmare will end!? 22/11/2005
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Syria closing the deal 22.10.05
redbul.gif (925 bytes)The Faraway Witness!  19.4.05
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Hey Syria…you are next! By: 2.3.05
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Dialogue (Assasination) the Syrian Style. By: Eli Atmé  17/2/05
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Implementing 1559... and the day after! 31.12.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)The right to speak!   20.12.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Breathing the wind of change! 26.11.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Liberation is not a dream ! 12/10/04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)
Breaking the Chain of Captivity. 2/10/04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)The call of Freedom! 9.9.04

redbul.gif (925 bytes)Fighting terror war without borders!? 03/04/2004
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Facing the enemy !!!. 04/03/2004
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Freedom... is a choice!  11/02/2004
redbul.gif (925 bytes)The Real War on Terror . By: Elie Atme 11.10.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Where next in the war on terrorism (E)? 16.9.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Vision of leadership. (E) 7/9/2003
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Eulogy of a Dictatorship (E)  1/9/03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)A letter to my brother
(E). 23.8.03



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